Kim Theis, President
I am Kim Theis, current President of the NBAEF. I am the administrator and accountant for my family’s business, as well as a real estate agent for Generations Real Estate Group. I work with Elevate Builders on three of their developments in the North Branch area. I am also on the North Branch Area Beautification Association Board of Directors and am a member of the Veteran’s Memorial Committee. I also volunteered in the North Branch Rotary’s high school senior STRIVE program. Both of my parents (Gene Pierce and Donna Stepp) were raised in the North Branch area. I lived in North Branch for a short time as an infant, and moved back in 2010. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, going to the cabin, fishing and campfires, and love to travel. I love our community and enjoy contributing to the betterment of our hometown. |
Theresa Nelson, Treasurer
Hello! My name is Terry Nelson and I am the current Treasurer of the foundation. I have been blessed to be a part of this wonderful group for 10 years. My husband David and I are both Class of 1978 graduates of North Branch and our two adult children were both North Branch graduates as well. I have been a part of the North Branch community for over 45 years. I am a retired bookkeeper, still working part-time, at the North Branch American Legion. I am also on the fundraising committee for the Chisago County Senior/Community Center of North Branch. I joined the foundation after attending a couple of fundraisers and got involved with helping first before joining as a director. The passion of our directors, for giving back to our teachers and students, to help in their educational environment, really touched my heart and still does today. Our favorite day in the life of the foundation is "Grant Recipient Day"! This day we get to surprise our teachers with the grants they write and submit for possible funding by your generous donations. To see the grateful faces, hugs, cheers and sometimes tears, makes our whole year and this is why we will continue do this for our local kids! In my spare time, I am a member of our worship team at Trinity Lutheran Church. I love to spend time with our six grandchildren, do gardening and canning, and just enjoy life in semi-retirement. |
Jessica Young, Secretary
My name is Jessica Young and I am the current secretary for NBAEF. I joined the board for two main reasons: 1. To be a part of and contribute to our community and 2. I want to see children succeed. Growing up, I was very active in school and I want to see this generation of children have those same opportunities. I have a degree in Landscape and Nursery and work at a local company in North Branch. I have two kids that keep me busy and on my toes, in addition to that, I also clog with the Pleasant Valley Cloggers, I love going to concerts and have many ongoing projects at home. |
Jen Phillips, Director
Hi. My name is Jennifer Phillips. My husband Ryan and I have lived in North Branch for 10 years now. We have two children. Our son is age 12 and in the 6th grade at North Branch Middle School, and our daughter is age 4 (almost), and will be starting Pre School in the fall. I work remotely for a CPA firm out of Louisiana as an Operations Specialist. I have always had a passion for community service and hospitality which prompted me to join the Board. I’m very excited for the opportunity to support our community and the future of the students at North Branch Area Schools. In our free time you can find us in between the kids’ sports and activities, spending time with family, hunting (mainly the boys), fishing, or camping. |
Mindy Lattimore, Director
My name is Mindy (Swanson) Lattimore. I am currently in my 20th year as an employee at North Branch Area High School. I love working for North Branch Area Public Schools, and am honored to serve on this board which helps our district do great things. I often refer to the NBAEF's Perfect 10 event as my favorite night of the year. The fact that so many people in our community are willing to put in a tremendous amount of time and resources for our students to have great experiences is inspiring. I am a 1996 graduate of North Branch Area High School. My mother, Karen (Olson) Swanson, is a 1961 NBAHS graduate and my husband, Matthew Lattimore, is also a 1997 graduate. We have two daughters, Annabelle and Amelia, that will be North Branch graduates in 2026 and 2028. So many favorite teachers and people inspired me to join this profession, but the one that stands out to me is Rick Lofboom. As my 6th grade teacher, he made our class feel like a family, and always went out of his way to do extra things that helped us have fun. |
Matt Lattimore, Director
I am Matt Lattimore, Assistant Principal at the North Branch Area Middle School. For 18 years I have been in the education profession and have worked as a substitute teacher, social studies teacher and Activities Director for NBAPS. I was also Principal at the Braham Area High School. The NBAEF has done an excellent job supporting our students over the years, and I felt it was my time to participate in these efforts. I also have two daughters in the district who I would like to see be able to experience these opportunities that NBAEF has provided. I am a 1997 graduate of NBAPS and had many amazing teachers as a student! Their influences on me is why I decided to go into the education field. What those teachers provided for me is my mission in education- to love, serve and care. |
Kim Lombard, Director
My name is Kim Lombard. I joined the foundation to be able to become more actively involved in our community. I moved to the area 13 years ago with my husband and have two daughters that attend North Branch schools (class of 2028 and 2033). I work for Boston Scientific as an Information Technology Senior Manager and am thankful for the quality of education that I had growing up. My hope is that I will be able to help our future generations, including my daughters, be able to experience the same. When I’m not working I enjoy coaching my daughter’s fast pitch softball team and cheering on my daughters at all of their activities. |
Kelly Beckwith, Director
My name is Kelly Beckwith. I have lived in North Branch with my husband Doug and our two children for 21 years. Since 2001, I have worked for the North Branch Schools as a SPED Educational Assistant and a Child Care Assistant. I'm passionate about our North Branch students and their future. In my spare time I've enjoyed volunteering in my church, for school events, and coaching our kids sports over the years. I love trail running, being at the gym, cabin time, and motorcycle rides with Doug. But most of all, I love spending time with our 3 adorable grandkids! |
Jenn VanDyke, Director
My name is Jennifer Van Dyke. My husband and I have lived in North Branch for 24 years and have two daughters; one a graduate of North Branch Schools and one is a senior. We are proud supporters of the North Branch Community. We have both been supporters of the Foundation since its inception. I wanted to join the Foundation to continue to grow its development and believe strongly in its mission. I have been a proud teacher in the North Branch school district for 27 years. I came to teaching and education naturally as I was raised in a family of teachers. My parents and several relatives had careers related to, or in, the education field at some point. My father taught special education for 35 years, and I have largely modeled my teaching career and life after his example. Relationships are at the forefront of my educational and personal philosophies. In my spare time I enjoy reading, walking, gardening, working out with kettlebells, and spending time with family and friends. I love to be outside and can often be found on my deck in the summer with a good book at hand. |
Tammy Hoveland, Director
My name is Tammy Hoveland. I have lived in the North Branch area since 1991 and am a part of the North Branch Class of 1994. I look forward to being a part of NBAEF and working to support the students of North Branch. I have been employed at Members Cooperative Credit Union in North Branch as a Senior Mortgage Loan Originator since 2002. I am married to my husband; Doug (North Branch Class of 1994) and we have two sons. Donavan (North Branch Class of 2019) age 21 and Daniel (North Branch Class of 2020) age 19. As a former student, and a parent of former students, I understand the importance of supporting our schools. The very best times we had with our kids were school sports and activities. I miss it! Being a part of the NBAEF will allow me to be involved once again in a different capacity. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my friends and family and my 2 dogs, Abe & Gigi. |
Brenda Schulte, Director
My name is Brenda Schulte and I have been a resident of North Branch for over twenty two years. I am a long time teacher and coach and I have just finished my 36th year of teaching in public education. I became a teacher and a coach because of my parents. They instilled in me a love of learning, school, activities and also an understanding that with education comes opportunity! My husband, Allen and I, have one daughter who graduated in 2021 from North Branch Area High School. She benefited from many opportunities that NBEAF has afforded different classrooms and schools over the years. I have attended many of the NBEAF fundraisers over the years, knowing that the funds raised go directly into classrooms and allow for more opportunities for students in the North Branch School District. Outside of school, I enjoy walking, biking, relaxing with friends on a Friday night and reading. I look forward to working on the inside of NBAEF to help this wonderful committee continue to be able to offer more opportunities to the students of North Branch Area Public Schools. |
Allen Schulte, Director
My name is Allen Schulte and my wife, Brenda and I have resided in North Branch for over twenty two years. I am a lifelong teacher and coach that has just finished my 27th year of teaching. All of my life, I have benefited from the programs, activities, and opportunities that public schools offer all kids. Our daughter, Abby, graduated from North Branch Area High School in 2021. We have spent the last twelve years attending concerts, programs, activities and sporting events in North Branch watching our daughter learn life long skills, grow confidence, make great friends, and have a lot of fun, too. I believe that active children with lots of opportunities will grow into active adults who also will give back to the community. In my spare time, I enjoy photography, biking, history, training our new puppy and also our old dog! I look forward to helping NBEAF to continue the great things they continue to do to support students and teachers in the North Branch Area School District. |
Darci Laffin, Director
My name is Darci Laffin and I was born and raised in North Branch. I graduated from North Branch High School in 1999 and my husband, Brock, also graduated from North Branch in 1990. I have 3 kids who have all been in the North Branch district since ECFE programs. Our daughter will graduate in the class of 2026, and our twin boys will graduate class of 2028. I joined this organization because I wanted to become more involved with something in the community. I think what NBAEF has done for not only the kids in the school district, but for the overall community, is great! Since I have kids who will graduate from North Branch, I want to be part of what their future holds, and becoming part of this board seemed like a great place to start. |
Sean Murphy, Director
I have joined the Board to become involved in the North Branch community, and to support and strengthen the future through our children and their education. I have a wide variety of interests and experience, with two decades of leadership in community nonprofits, along with being a business manager or executive for 25 years. Planning and putting on events and fundraisers is something that I really enjoy, and I'm looking forward to partnering with our community businesses in support of NBAEF! I love to travel and explore, and I am always trying to learn new things, about anything and everything! Among my hobbies are photography, gourmet cooking, and collecting four leaf clover! |
Kris Fairbanks, Director
Hi! My name is Kris Fairbanks. Both my husband, Todd, and I graduated from NBHS in 1985 and have been a part of the North Branch Community for most of our lives. Both Todd and I look back fondly on our school days and remember the impact that so many excellent teachers, coaches and mentors had on our futures. We have two children who graduated from North Branch and we feel so fortunate that they, and their spouses, have now made this their home too. And now I’m excited to continue to participate in school/community events with my two grandsons, who are just beginning their school journeys in North Branch! I am an Emergency Manager for the US Army Corps of Engineers, where I’ve made my career for 38 years. As I look toward my future and contemplate retirement, I’ve spent some time wondering how I can “give back.” Over the past few years, I’ve attended several NBAEF functions and noticed the commitment and support these great people give to our children – So…I’m excited to join this fine group of people and do what I can to try and make a difference. |
Casey Theil, Director
My name is Casey Thiel, my husband Jon and I have two children who attend NBAPS and will graduate in 2028 and 2031! We believe strongly in making sure that students and teachers have the right resources to succeed and the NBAEF helps make that happen in our district. I am a 2000 graduate of North Branch, and my parents (Dave & Betty Ambers) taught and coached in North Branch for 30+ years. In my spare time, I am a DIYer/Crafter, sell activewear, spend time at the lake, watch our kids' activities, and I am a volunteer coach for the NB Girls Golf team. |